Frequently Asked Questions | Attendance Manager | Disceryx


We believe in community, and our users are our community. We hope that sharing some frequently asked questions from other instructors just like you may help assist you as you navigate through Attendance Manager Cloud. But if your questions are not addressed here, please reach out to us via the Contact Us page on this site. We would love to hear from you.

How do we delete Incomplete Attendance events?

Simply highlight the time you want deleted, and then hit the delete key. If you select Save after deleting only one of these times, the rest of the times for that student will disappear from your screen because with now two clock times, they are no longer incomplete. So, delete all times until the students and dates are what you want, then click on Save.

how to delete a class

Deleting a class is not a recommended thing to do. If you delete a class, all attendance data associated with that class will be gone. If you then want to later create reports for students and have those reports span their current class and prior classes, the data from those prior classes (if deleted) will be gone. Instead of deleting classes we recommend changing the class status to either of the following: 1) Inactive - These classes are no longer active and no longer collecting attendance data, but the hours in these classes can be included in reports. An example of an inactive class is last year's Junior students who are now in this year's ACTIVE Seniors class. 2) Archived - These classes are no longer active and no longer collecting attendance data, but the hours in these classes are not included in reports. An example of an archived class last year's senior class in which the students are now graduated. An example of

Why do we need to specify a school id on the link to the Mockterminal App?

For any school or organization with multiple schools where they have Roaming Instructors or Administrators with access to multiple schools, this is the only way we can differentiate in between the different schools when they log into the app. It is critical that we have the correct school set in the app so that we're able to match the students to the correct school / class when they clock in.

How Do I print my monthly report and show students in ABC order instead of Class Names

On the report parameters page where you select classes and students and other report parameters, near the top of screen is a parameter titled "If multiple classes selected". In that drop down list you can select "list students together".

What are transfer hours?

These are hours that a student has previously accrued toward a program. When the student enters your program with transfer hours, you can apply those to the class in which they start. We provide two buckets -- In Month and Prior to Month, and by breaking down the transfer hours into these buckets, this ensures accurate cumulative reporting. The In Month hours are those that the student accrued within the month of class entry prior to their enrollment date. Prior to Month hours are all those accrued prior to this month. For example, if the student started the class on November 16th, that should be their Enrollment Date, and the In Month Transfer Hours should be any hours that they accrued between November 1st and 15th. Prior to Month hours here would be any time accrued prior to November 1st.

What does enrollment date actually mean?

The enrollment date should be the date that the student starts in the class, not the date when you placed the student in the class (although they may be the same). This is most crucial when it comes to transfer hours. If a student transfers in to your program, and starts a class after the class has already begun, that enrollment date is the first day we start counting attendance time 'in class'. Any transfer hours that you've assigned to that student would be utilized as time prior to that enrollment date.

Where do I go to transfer hours?

This is a common occurrence. Go to the Class Info screen for the class in which this new student is enrolled. There you will find a button titled Transfer Hours. Click on that and you will see the Transfer Hours screen. Transfer hours are divided between Prior to First Month and In Month. An explanation of those two columns is offered at top of screen.

Are the students' fingerprints stored in the cloud as well?

The fingerprints that are generated on our terminals are kept in the cloud database and transferred to other terminals as the student is added to other terminals. The format of the fingerprint is proprietary and is not interpretable by any other software than that of the terminals. It is not an image of the fingerprint, but a string of binary data that is an abstraction of the unique features of the fingerprint created by a proprietary algorithm.

can students clock in from a computer key board instead of finger print

If using an Attendance Terminal, you can selectively allow students to not use the fingerprint scanner to clock in and instead use the keypad on the Attendance Terminal. To do so for a single student, go to the student screen for that student and locate the "Clock-In Mode" field in the upper right corner of the screen. Select "Student ID" and then save. That student can now clock in on the Attendance Terminal keypad by typing his/her student ID number. However, there is not an option for a student to clock-in on a personal computer keyboard, unless it is setup as a PC Mock Terminal.

If the attendance terminal loses the connection to the cloud server for a time, are students clock times saved on the clock?

Yes -- those clock times are stored on the clock until it is able to send them to the cloud server.

When time chages the time clock does not, how do we fix it?

The terminals (or time clocks) get their time setting from the server automatically, and the server itself adjusts to DLST changes, so times should be correct for your specific timezone. If you do see that your time is off on the terminal or in the system, please let us know so we can look into it.

How are clock times placed into a class?

When we receive a clock time from a terminal, we have the terminal's serial number, the students ID and the time/date. If we can locate the student by their ID and they only have one current, enrolled class, we will place the clock time in that class. Note that the class has to be active, and the time/date has to be within the class start and end dates. If they have more than one current, enrolled class, we look at what class(es) the specific terminal is tied to. If it's tied to only one class, then we'll place the clock time in that class. If the terminal is tied to more than one of their classes, we look at which class has a schedule that is closest temporally, and then use that closest one.